• +1800 00 4792

  • Indian Community Centre, Willetton WA 6155, Australia


Terms and Conditions

1. ISWA Halls in ISWA Centre for Arts and Culture at 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton, WA can be booked at $5 per hour by the ISWA member associations and $15 per hour by individuals.

2. ISWA Hall once booked cannot be cancelled by using the online hall booking system. For cancelling a booking, drop an email to deepak.gupta@iswa-perth.org mentioning the reason for cancellation. ISWA Management Committee reserves the right for approving or rejecting the cancellation request.

3. Please tidy-up the hall for the next user, ensure all the lights are turned-OFF, Aircon is OFF and all windows are properly closed/shut. Do not forget to lock the hall after use and put security Alarm ON. You may attract financial penalties if you fail to do so.

4. Any invoice towards “Failure to Secure” the premises from City of Canning shall be passed on to the Association/Individual who has booked the respective time slot to pay directly irrespective of whether that Association/Individual was using the premises at that time.

5. Ensure the keys are back in the key boxes after use, loss of keys will attract financial penalties.

For any further details, please contact:

Mr. Deepak Gupta,

ISWA Hall Booking Coordinator,

Indian Society of WA (ISWA)

+61 410 533 172
