Business Connect in COVID19

On 13th September 2020, the Business Wing of Indian Society of Western Australia (ISWA) organised time for our business people to connect and share information during the challenging times.

About 130 Indian origin business persons participated in the event. The new ISWA website was launched and a business directory (free for corporate members of ISWA) was launched to promote and showcase local business through ISWA website.

It was a great networking event with delicious dinner.

Links for photos below

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Student Connect in COVID19

The Student Wing of Indian Society of Western Australia (ISWA) organised a Free lunch and networking meet-up for all students of Indian origin in WA across all universities and colleges. The event was held in Murdoch University. More than 180 students from different Universities and institutes joined the event.

Kelly Smith, Pro Vice Chancellor International at Murdoch University and Phil Payne,  Chief Executive Officer, StudyPerth, Australia were also present in the event.

On 15th August, 2020, Hon Minister Paul Papalia presented a check of $188,000 to ISWA for extending the support to Indian students during COVID19 time.

During this event the procedures to access the student grant was explained to students seeking help from this relief fund and registration was initiated.

ISWA’s first ever Mentorship Program focusing on the Indian diaspora to identify, develop, connect, integrate, and help excel Indian students in Western Australian industry / market was launched along with $50 grocery voucher to each student who registered for grocery help and

It was a great networking event with great talks, food and DJ.

Links for photos and videos below

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